WELCOME MEMBERS of the Chi Omega Alumnae Association of Tucson!

This is a place for you to connect with other Chi Omegas in the Tucson area. The future of Chi Omega depends on our alumnae groups. It is imperative
that alumnae come together in the Tucson area so we can continue to be strong for future generations. Joining the Tucson Chi Omega Alumnae Association promotes this goal and preserves our Fraternity for our daughters and theirs! So please:

Remember, membership in Chi Omega is for a lifetime! Encourage other sisters to become a member. Chi Omega meant something special to each of us during our college years. Now, the memories will continue to grow as a member of the alumnae association! You will be able to attend fun events, meet new friends, and make a difference in your community. 


Jane Anderson
Alumnae President